Shana is a class act. She helped guide me through a painful and daunting process and gave me options and encouragement in the midst of crisis. My first communication with her was over two years ago, now, when I was distraught after my husband (at the time) had left my son and me, and a police officer had advised me to file a restraining order against him. It was a very emotional time, and I was unfamiliar with the process. Before she was even formally my attorney, out of the goodness of her heart, she walked me through the process of filing a restraining order, keeping my son and I safe. Shana is sincere, honest, reliable, and she fights with my son and my best interests in mind. Shana cleaned up my case after I’d had a neglectful and dishonest attorney who had actually hurt my case, and Shana moved my case along with poise, tact, dignity, and grace. I have recommended Shana whenever I’m asked to reference an excellent, affordable attorney, and I’ll continue to recommend her in the future. Shana stands by her clients and their children through thick and thin. I am honored to have been represented by Shana, and so will you. Call her now. You’ll be so glad you did.