Several years ago I fled an abusive husband who had brought me to San Diego from Canada, was homeless and living in domestic violence shelters, had no money and could not obtain employment as I had no work visa or citizenship status, To make matters worse, my husband was trying to obtain custody of my baby daughter. It was a hopeless situation that I could not see my way out of until I met Shana Black, and retained her as my attorney.
Little did Shana know that being my attorney would get her stalked and harassed relentlessly, involved with the police on numerous occasions and even led on a high speed chase down the freeway! She never once said “ok, maybe you should find another attorney.”
She stuck by me and fought my abusive ex husband with every bit of legal might she possessed, no matter how much abuse he flung her way, and it was a lot, it was intense, and it was never ending.
If it were not for her I would have never gotten out of that situation with my daughter or my sanity.